
by ShaSha Ltd



Appreciation of the classic poem, relive the charm of the ancient treasures of Chinese literature, the profound feelings of ancient literature!

精選唐詩、宋詞、元曲各三百首。賞析經典詩句,重溫中國古代文學的魅力瑰寶,感受古代文學的博大精深!挑選內涵詩詞,最好的內容獻給喜愛古詩詞的您,愛詩詞,沒理由!****** 應用特色 ******1 分類詳細,本APP包含以下分類:七言古詩、七言絕句、七言律詩、七言樂府、五言古詩、五言絕句、五言律詩、五言樂府、宋詞(一)、宋詞(二)、名句和元曲;2支援自訂字體大小;3 支持分享到Line,郵件,微信等。Featured Tang, Song, Yuan each three hundred.Appreciation of the classic poem, relive the charm of ancient Chinese literary treasures, ancient literature profound feelings!Pick connotation poems, dedicated to the best content of your favorite ancient poems, love poems, no reason!Application Features ****** ******A detailed classification of the APP includes the following categories: Seven Poems, Seven quatrains, Seven Poems, Seven Yue, Wu Yan poetry, Wu Yan quatrains, Wu Yan verses, Wu Yan Yue, Song (a), Song (two ), the famous and the Yuan Dynasty;2 supports custom font size;3 supports sharing to Line, e-mail, micro letters.1.修復分享內容不匹配問題。2.優化菜單操作。

Read trusted reviews from application customers


George Flournoy

some typos here and there, as in "秋娘妒”. the rest is fine.

Time for some serious English Juanciel Lin

比如说:现在我记得的是.... 春雨欲来风满楼、 却不能记得出自那首诗内.... 接下去是怎么? 相信很多中文诗爱好者多少会有这种诗的寻寻觅觅......

Oon chong Khoo


kichi Kamino


Kah-Meng Low


Leol Lau

Very good app to learn poem.

Gordon Poon

如果能每句後即譯, 會睇得更方便。


Great app

Steven Wang


Con Wong